
How to enable commenting on our Telegram channel?

How to enable commenting on our Telegram channel?

As you know, Telegram is one of the top marketing and social marketing tools due to its widespread popularity in the world. Now, the more interactive this tool is and the more direct your members and users can communicate with you, the more valuable this possibility will be. Recently, Telegram has made it possible to […]

यूट्यूब क्या है और हम इसका उपयोग कैसे शुरू करते हैं? (नौसिखिये के लिए)

यूट्यूब क्या है और हम इसका उपयोग कैसे शुरू करते हैं? (नौसिखिये के लिए)

यूट्यूब लंबे समय से आसपास है – आपने शायद इसके बारे में बहुत कुछ सुना है। वीडियो-साझाकरण साइट को 2005 में लाइव लॉन्च किया गया था, और तब से यह वेब पर वीडियो अपलोड करने का एक स्वतंत्र माध्यम बन गया है। इस साइट पर हर सेकेंड एक घंटे से ज्यादा का वीडियो अपलोड किया […]

How do we know if someone has seen our profile picture in Telegram?

How do we know if someone has seen our profile picture in Telegram?

Telegram is one of the most popular messengers and its popularity is increasing day by day. Telegram not only offers very diverse and very good features but also has a very high level of security. Precisely because Telegram is one of the most secure messaging apps and allows hidden chat, people are very interested in […]

Twitter for Business Prosperity

Twitter for Business Prosperity

Twitter for Business Prosperity: 14 Very Practical Tricks You Need to Know! Do you know what Twitter marketing means? Do you want to make your brand a little more popular? Are you talking about your products everywhere? Become an influencer in the future and meet your customers? Provide fast customer service? Improve your public relations […]

What is YouTube and how do we start using it? (For beginners)

What is YouTube and how do we start using it? (For beginners)

YouTube has been around for a long time – you’ve probably heard a lot about it. The video-sharing site was launched live in 2005, and has since become an independent medium for uploading videos to the web. More than one hour of video is uploaded to this site every second. In this way, a look […]