11 important tips to increase the number of views of your videos on YouTube

YouTube is constantly evolving. Funny cats and dogs skating videos are no longer on the market. YouTube has become a place for marketers today.

More than one billion hours of video are viewed daily on YouTube, which is more than the sum of Netflix and Facebook videos.

If YouTube is used effectively, it will become a very powerful business tool. To boost your sales, you need to get more free views on YouTube. This article will teach you 16 ways to get more views on YouTube, build your own brand, and boost sales. First, we need to tell you a little bit about making a video on YouTube.

How to make a video on YouTube

– Design your own video

Before you start making a video for YouTube, you need to design the content you want. Make a storyboard for each scene or part of the video. Think about the message you want to convey to the audience. See where in the video you want to ask the audience to take calls to action. After watching the video, you need to ask people to do something, and that matters.

– Write the script you want

Write the script according to the video you designed. Consider a relevant and enjoyable writing language for the audience. If your video is for beginners, do not use technical terms. If you are making a professional video, you need to use industry-specific vocabulary to gain viewers’ trust. If your illustrated screenplay is short, do not write the original screenplay as long as it will affect the show, which will not be a good visual experience.

– Organize the scene

Is your video animated, live, or real? What decor do you need during the video show to attract the attention of YouTube followers? These questions are important to answer because they make your video look more professional. Invest in branding to add to the background of videos and thumbnails and get quality video.

– Prepare yourself

If you act in a movie or just direct it, you have to be prepared and rehearse to go smoothly. Details become problematic when making a YouTube video, so practicing is enough for all the mistakes that occur while filming.

– Edit your video

After taking a few scenes, you can edit the video to eliminate small mistakes or disproportionate scene elements. You should check the naturalness of the sound and remove sounds that are out of proportion to the whole video.

– Upload a YouTube video

You can upload a video that includes the title, snippets, and description for the audience in the YouTube app. This will help the audience find your video. If you want to make more than one video on a particular topic, you can create a playlist and add the next videos. Add cards and captions to the video to allow users to track your channel more efficiently.


Increase views on YouTube

1. Provide compelling content

If your videos are not good then the number of messages and ads in them no longer matters. So how do you build compelling content to get more views on YouTube? Well, one of the best ways is to make tutorial videos (How..?).

According to Cochran, one of YouTube’s most famous, “When you ask people about their needs and wants and then you provide for them, you create a wonderful event.” “They think you have read their minds!” As a result, always look for content that solves your customers’ core problems or needs. By doing this, you will form a loyal group of fans and get more views on YouTube.

2. Encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel

Have you heard the phrase, “Your best customers are your old customers?” In other words, ranking customers is a powerful way to grow your business. Well, the same situation prevails on YouTube.

One of the easiest ways to increase YouTube views is to encourage current viewers to subscribe to increase the number of views of the newly released video by having more subscribers. How should you encourage viewers to subscribe?

The best way is to request a subscription at the beginning and end of each video.


You just do not want to be frustrated if you cannot get the right pitch so invest in a good capo. Ask them to activate the notification ring after clicking “subscribe”.

When the viewer subscribes in this way, they will be notified whenever you upload a new video. Increasing your subscribers is critical to gaining more views. So ask your viewers to subscribe to you right now!

3- To persuade the viewers, prepare a list of videos (playlists)

YouTube’s own statistics section “shows the top brands on YouTube and promotes these videos twice as many as 25% of the videos at the bottom of the list.”


Why are playlists so efficient? Because they have displayed automatically (Auto-play). It is difficult not to pay attention to the videos you enjoy because they are played continuously. In fact, a cognitive principle of “loss aversion” is involved.
The easiest way to make a playlist is to look at the video in question and click on the “+” icon at the bottom of the video.



So you can create a new playlist or add it to an existing playlist. To increase your YouTube video views, make a playlist of your best content and publish it today!

4- Advertising other videos with end screens and cards (End Screens and Cards)

Cards and footers are tools you can use to promote videos and increase views on YouTube. You must first verify your YouTube account to access these features. To do this, click on your profile picture at the top right of the page and then click on “Creator Studio”. Then click on the “Status and Features tab” tab:


On this page, you can view and launch the YouTube channel features. Let’s take a closer look at the end pages and cards. End pages are specific templates that you put at the end of videos to conclude content and highlight the call-to-action.

Cards can be displayed as pop-up windows at any time from the video, and these cards can be used to direct people to a video or other playlist. Or you can create a survey card, which is a great way to ask questions about your viewers’ favorite content (remember tip number one ?!).

On the oberlo YouTube channel you can see the use of both tools:



To add footers and cards to your videos, go to Creator Studio and click on “Video Manager”, then click on “Videos”. Find the video to which you want to add the bottom page card and click “Edit”. Once on the Video editor page, you can add end pages and cards by clicking on the menu items at the top of the page:



Cards and end pages are powerful tools, so use them to make action requests in YouTube videos.

5- Add a watermark to your videos

With watermarks, you will find more subscribers and more free views on YouTube by advertising your channel throughout your videos. A watermark is actually an image that you can put in all your videos. Most brands use their own logo. When the viewer hovers the mouse pointer over the watermark, they are encouraged to receive the channel subscription. That’s why the Shopify Youtube channel uses a watermark called “Subscribe”. You must verify your YouTube account to be able to upload a watermark. You can not set watermarks to be displayed in some videos and not displayed in others. Either they are displayed in all your videos or they are not.

Click “Branding” to add a watermark to your videos in Creator Studio.


Then click on “Add a Watermark” and upload the image you want.

In general, you can use this simple tool to promote your brand on your YouTube channel.

6- Activate the Embedding feature

You’ve spent a lot of time making a great video, and now viewers want to share it on their websites and blogs, but they can’t because you forgot to enable embedding.

To reach new audiences and visitors, you need to allow viewers to embed your video on their websites and blogs. If this feature is included in the video, then when the viewer clicks on “share” at the bottom of the video window, YouTube will also show them the “Embed” option:


Once clicked, they can copy the video’s location code and add it to their blog or website.



To enable placement, go to Creator Studio and then to the video editing page.

Then click on “Advanced Setting” and scroll down to “Distribution options” and check “Allow Embedding”.


Lastly, check if your videos are enabled to encourage viewers to share your content.

7- Advertise your video on other social channels

If you have followers on other social channels, let them know whenever you upload a new video on YouTube. The best way to do this is with a short teaser. In the following example, we have prepared a one-minute teaser for a new video on YouTube. Then we posted it on the Oberlo Facebook page and put a link to the full video on the Oberlo YouTube channel.



Use social media planning tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to make things easier. Do not limit yourself to social channels. You can also place YouTube videos on web pages or blog posts.

Don’t forget email marketing. Industrial email marketing with an open rate of 18% and a purchase rate of 66% is a powerful tool in the sales discourse. It is not very complicated.

We also send simple emails on the Oberlo site to let our subscribers know when a new video has been released.

8- Know the importance of “Watch Time”

YouTube introduces its algorithm as a search and discovery system. This algorithm determines which videos:

  • Show on the main page.
  • Presented as suggested videos.
  • Show in search results.
  • Show in the Subscriptions tab.
  • Show in notifications provided by viewers.

In addition, the algorithms affect all YouTube channels in addition to individual videos. YouTube’s algorithm is complex, but the most important thing is that this algorithm is largely based on “Watch Time”. Each uploaded video (along with each channel on YouTube) is rated by Watch time.

The amount of time people spend watching your videos is known as Watch Time:


In short, YouTube rewards quality. The higher the quality of your video, the more time people spend watching it. This will increase Wath Time. So YouTube will support your videos and channels.

Keep viewers as much as you can and don’t be afraid to advertise other YouTube channels on your own.

9. Optimize video titles



Be aware that YouTube will penalize you if you use keywords that are not related to your video. In addition, include 60 to 70 letters for your title, this will create a compelling title and make sure it is not too short to be in search results. Finally, do not forget the interests of human beings.

You should use keywords that help rank your videos in search results, but to get more views on YouTube, you should include nice titles and descriptions of visitors. In general, our goal is to strike a balance between accuracy, awareness, and attractiveness.

As the famous author David Ogilvy writes: “When you wrote the original title, you spent eighty cents on your dollar,” so you have to pay close attention to the titles of your video.

10. Optimize your channel

Optimizing your channel is critical to boosting your brand and improving your YouTube video views. YouTube offers many ways to improve your channel. Daniel Wellington does this:



Now let’s look at some of the key components:

Build a strong and stable art brand.

Your YouTube branding should be consistent with your website and other social channels. That is, use the same logo, images, and colors. Your profile picture must be 800 x 800 pixels. If this image is displayed smaller, it still looks good. Your banner should be at least 1440 ۵ 2560 pixels, Creator Academy on YouTube also has plans to help design your banner.

Optimize your YouTube channel description.

This description is displayed on the “About” tab of your channel. You are allowed to use 1000 characters in this description. What should you write in the description of your YouTube channel? Well, let’s start with a brief description of the brand and the benefits of your products.

Then explain to your visitors why they are watching your videos. Do you teach them anything? Is your channel more about entertainment? As a result, inform visitors about the content of the videos. In the description of the YouTube channel, just like the title of your videos, put the keywords you are looking for.

Add social channels, links to your website, and a way to make calls.

In other words, make it easier for visitors to learn more about your brand.

Add channel keywords.

Once you have searched for the keywords and decided which keywords your channel should rank in the search results, click on “Channel” and then “Advanced”. Then put the keywords in the “Channel Keywords” box.

Show your channel with a video trailer that best captures your content.

Your YouTube trailer is a short video that is displayed to new visitors to your channel. This is a wonderful opportunity to:

  • Show the type of content created to visitors
  • Highlight the benefits of your channel
  • And encourage them to get your channel subscription
Finally, enable the related channels feature.

According to Seyed Balkhi, the founder of list25 (which has more than 2.3 million subscribers and 582 million views) “One of the big mistakes of business channels is turning off the ‘Related Channels’ feature on YouTube.” Turning off this feature will remove your channel from the YouTube suggestions section. As a result, you lose the effect of YouTube networks as a powerful tool.

In short, optimize your YouTube channel and make sure your information is complete.

11. Make compelling thumbnails

Thumbnail is a small image that is used as a video preview screen. This thumbnail is very important if you want to get more free views on YouTube. When you upload a video, you can select one of the Thumbnail images with auto-display.

Instead, create and upload your own custom Thumbnail image. According to YouTube, 90% of the top YouTube videos use these images for good reasons.



(If you do not already have Thumbnail, you will need to verify your YouTube account to access this feature).

An efficient Thumbnail helps highlight your videos.

According to YouTube: “Thumbnails need a vision of art directing for branding and should not be left out.”

In fact, you should think about your thumbnail before you start making films. In this way, you also prepare some videos for a convincing Tombinel image. A good thumbnail is impressive, compelling, brand-compliant, and represents the content of the video.


  • Bright color backgrounds
  • Close-up image of the face
  • Insert text and
  • Consider subtle branding (such as a small logo or watermark)

So what about the technical specifications?

Your thumbnail should:

  • It has a 16: 9 aspect ratio, which is a common aspect ratio in YouTube players.
  • It has a resolution of 720 x 1280.
  • Have a file size of less than 2 MB.
  • Be in JPG, GIF, BMP, or PNG format.

You can use free image editing and graphic design tools like Canva to build tambourines. Keep in mind that thumbnails are one of the best ways to get people’s attention while surfing YouTube, so create a compelling image.


Are there any fast ways to increase the views of the YouTube videos?

Yes, in mysocialmember we offer a secure and fast way to increase your videos’ views on YouTube. For this, you should use one of our plans on this page: YouTube Services.

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